Thursday, September 10, 2009

Reporting Service 2008: Call .NET function in MDX

Steps -
  1. Create an .NET library. Ensure there is a public function that returns a value - String, Int etc.
  2. Connect to Analysis Server and right click on Assembly folder.
  3. In the Register Server Assembly window, browse and select the assembly (DLL), created in the step-1. Remove if there is any space in in the Assembly name textbox, you find.
  4. Under the Permission section, select External access and click on OK button.
  5. Notice that the one assemly is added under the Assembly folder.
  6. In MDX write code as under -
    ITGExecDashboard.GetTechnologyNames ([Measures].[APPLICATION ID])
  7. Select above measure in the column. Note that GetTechnologyNames .NET function is being executed and application identifier is being passed which is coming from other measure.

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